Friday 4 November 2011

I My Me Mine

why i choose I My Me Mine?actually i got the idea from the songs of 4 minute.x knal 4 minute? kpop fans of course tau.actually i have a disease that can't be cured.i have kpop fever.=p.i don't why some of people kutuk gile2 org yg minat kpop.some of them ckp "ala.kau minat diorang pun bukan diorang kenal kau pun.".herm.mcm ni la.even if i admire Beyonce, i admire Michael Jackson, i admire whatever football teams, the won't know me either.sume orang ade minat t'sndiri.for me, i like their dances and songs.they can sing well even with they have to dance, group B2ST, BIG BANG, U KISS, INFINITE, SUPER JUNIOR, B1A4, MBLAQ, SNSD, T-ARA, FT ISLAND, MISS A, 4 MINUTE, 2NE1, SHINEE, SECRET  and byk antara group2 yg i admire la.pasal faham x faham bahasa diorang tu, pndai cari sendiri la kt internet.same la gak ngan lagu english.i listen to english songs too.but very rare.saya x de lah hebat sgt bile dgr lagu english tu, kdg2 search jgak la kat internet nk cari meaning yg x faham.=p.okay.tutup cite psl kpop.nnt meleret plak.enough until well.=) 

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